
Hardanger Plateau

The Hardanger Plateau is Northern Europe’s largest high mountain plateau. Here you can find large, flat plains, plenty of fishing opportunities, rich animal and plant life, and spectacular waterfalls.

The nature of the plateau offers great variations. The western part of the Hardangervidda is hilly, with many exciting valleys, and one of Norway’s largest glaciers, Hardangerjøkulen, towers in the northwest.

The Hårteigen peak (1690 m.o.h.) is the road mark on the Hardangervidda. Its characteristic, elevated shape can be seen from almost wherever you go, even though Sandfloegga in the south rises a few meters higher.

Between Haukelifjell in the south, Sørfjorden in the west, Finse and Bergensbanen in the north and Numedal and Rjukan in the east, there are today approx. 100 different bird species and 21 different animal species. Not least, Europe’s largest wild reindeer herd impresses everyone who is lucky enough to meet rolling wild reindeer herds on the trip across the Hardangervidda.

The plateau has very many mountain plants, especially on the western plateau where there is more precipitation and a more even temperature.

Season Summer, Winter
Egnet for: All
Avstand: 20 min
Adkomst: Car
Tidsforbruk: 1 day+